Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

Citation Product
1993 D. A. Williams and S. S. Segal Feed artery role in blood flow control to rat hindlimb skeletal muscles., The Journal of physiology, 463, 631-46
1993 C. L. Miller, V. J. Hruby, T. O. Matsunaga and P. C. Bickford Alpha-MSH and MCH are functional antagonists in a CNS auditory gating paradigm., Peptides, 14, 3, 431-40
1993 A. McGregor, S. Lacosta and D. C. Roberts L-tryptophan decreases the breaking point under a progressive ratio schedule of intravenous cocaine reinforcement in the rat., Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 44, 3, 651-5
1993 C. A. Janusz and R. F. Berman The adenosine binding enhancer, PD 81,723, inhibits epileptiform bursting in the hippocampal brain slice., Brain research, 619, 1-2, 131-6
1993 D. Bai and D. B. Sattelle Neosurugatoxin blocks an alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology, 23, 4, 161-7
1991 M. Tarantola, R. Motterlini, M. Beretta and M. Samaja Dual role of hypoxanthine in the reoxygenation of hypoxic isolated rat hearts., Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 23, 1, 77-82
1991 S. R. Davio, M. M. McShane, T. J. Kakuk, R. M. Zaya and S. L. Cole Precipitation of the renin inhibitor ditekiren upon i.v. infusion; in vitro studies and their relationship to in vivo precipitation in the cynomolgus monkey., Pharmaceutical research, 8, 1, 80-3