Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

Citation Product
1990 M. Marciello and H. M. Sinnamon Locomotor stepping initiated by glutamate injections into the hypothalamus of the anesthetized rat., Behavioral neuroscience, 104, 6, 980-90
1990 T. D. Geist and A. Ettenberg A simple method for studying intravenous drug reinforcement in a runaway., Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 36, 3, 703-6
1989 G. J. Gerber and R. A. Wise Pharmacological regulation of intravenous cocaine and heroin self-administration in rats: a variable dose paradigm., Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 32, 2, 527-31
1988 G. M. Mesfin, M. J. Higgins, W. P. Brown and D. Rosnick Cardiovascular complications of chronic catheterization of the jugular vein in the dog., Veterinary pathology, 25, 6, 492-502
1988 J. W. Bins and H. Mattie Saturation of the tubular excretion of beta-lactam antibiotics., British journal of clinical pharmacology, 25, 1, 41-50
1987 A. Slivka and W. Pulsinelli Hemorrhagic complications of thrombolytic therapy in experimental stroke., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 18, 6, 1148-56
1987 M. V. Sefton, R. M. Dawson, R. L. Broughton, J. Blysniuk and M. E. Sugamori Microencapsulation of mammalian cells in a water-insoluble polyacrylate by coextrustion and interfacial precipitation., Biotechnology and bioengineering, 29, 9, 1135-43