Citation Library

Razel Scientific Instruments keeps a detailed citations library of published research featuring our products. If you have a citation and would like to add it to our library, send your information to us by completing the “Submit a Citation” form.

Citation Product
2005 N. E. Paterson, W. Froestl and A. Markou Repeated administration of the GABAB receptor agonist CGP44532 decreased nicotine self-administration, and acute administration decreased cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking in rats., Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 30, 1, 119-28
2005 J. M. Mitchell, C. L. Cunningham and G. P. Mark Locomotor activity predicts acquisition of self-administration behavior but not cocaine intake., Behavioral Neuroscience, 119, 2, 464-72
2005 A. D. Le, S. Harding, W. Juzytsch, D. Funk and Y. Shaham Role of alpha-2 adrenoceptors in stress-induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking and alcohol self-administration in rats., Psychopharmacology, 179, 2, 366-73
2005 L. A. Knackstedt and A. Ettenberg Ethanol consumption reduces the adverse consequences of self-administered intravenous cocaine in rats., Psychopharmacology, 178, 2-3, 143-50
2005 D. C. Jones, C. Duvauchelle, A. Ikegami, C. M. Olsen, S. S. Lau, R. de la Torre and T. J. Monks Serotonergic neurotoxic metabolites of ecstasy identified in rat brain., The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 313, 1, 422-31
2004 D. Guzman and A. Ettenberg Heroin attenuates the negative consequences of cocaine in a runway model of self-administration., Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 79, 2, 317-24
2003 N. E. Paterson and A. Markou Increased motivation for self-administered cocaine after escalated cocaine intake., Neuroreport, 14, 17, 2229-32